Monday, June 16, 2008

Time flys

Boy there is so much going on here with end of school and everything. Time is getting away from us I can't believe its the middle of June already.

This is the last week of school and the kids have aboriginal day today middle child looks forward to it every year she loves the performances that the students put on.

Tomorrow is the high school prom Oldest is going with her boyfriend who graduates. She has a hair appointment at 1 and make up appointment up town at 4:14 it was the earliest she could get it I just hope we are able to get her there and home at a reasonable time. I won't have to worry about supper though since its middle childs birthday we will be going to Mc Donalds for her special meal.

Thursday is the elementary schools family picnic. We look forward to it every year this year will be fun as the youngest will be there since he's in kinder. it won't be too bad though as his aide will be there to help us out thankfully lol.

Last day is friday and they get out at noon.

I found out our library opens at 10:00 every morning during the week so we will try to get over every day for reading time and we'll park a ways away so we can get walking time in at the same time. I don't know how long that will last but we'll try it anyway. They have a reading club for the summer and it will give the kids something to do anyway.

Not much new with the weight loss it goes up and down within two pounds. I'm hoping to get more walking with the kids in the summer to help drop the extra pounds.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

I hate colds.

All of my kids have had colds the last couple of weeks. The youngest still has his and now I've caught it. I think I've gotten parts of all the colds though because I have a sore throat like the oldest and stuffy runny nose like the youngest and a sore tight chest from I don't know who because none of them were complaining about that but it might of been the youngest because I have a cough like his as well. I hope I can get better quickly but don't have much hope as I don't sleep well but anyway I do have some gingerale to make me feel better just like mom used to give us as kids when we weren't feeling well.

My weight has been up and down so much that its depressing writing about it. I am at about 12 pounds lost give or take a couple. I will feel good when I get to 14 lbs lost as that will be the 10% mark.

I'm not getting much done in the house or the garden I keep thinking that If I get a good nights sleep I'll be able to get stuff done and am still waiting for the good nights sleep.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

30 Hour Famine

My Oldest daughter has taken part in this charity for three years now and she really looks forward to it every year if you would like to support her please take a look at the link.

I know this is short notice as she does her thing tomorrow but I am not allowed to post the link on the site because its soliciting and this morning I thought to myself hey I can just ask you all to read my blog and you can click on the link to the sight and technically i'm not asking for donations on the site. I just want to thank you for taking the time to read and if you donate we very humbly thank you for your support.

Angela and family

Blood pressure check.

I had a doctors appointment this week and my blood pressure is finally starting to go down. After two years of trying to lose weight and exercise It finaly started going down. I don't remember what the top number is but the bottom one is 88 it usually sits at 94 or higher.

I lost .04 lbs this week and that puts my total loss at 12.4 I am finding that I am not as hungry in the evening so that helps some. I also have been getting my walk in almost every day now that the good weather is here I just walk around the block a few times. If I do the big block 6 times its 5100 steps but most times I do the short walk so I don't have to wait for the traffic light. I have to count the short walk and figure out how many I need to get my total. If I do 3 or4 blocks two or three times a day I'll be doing ok.

I am down to a size 10 in pants and they are a little loose but I am thinking that because they are old pants that they are a little stretched out but I don't want to try on new ones yet and find out that the 10's don't really fit so I'll just pretend for now as it gives me motivation and I need that for sure.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Happy May

I missed weighing in last week due to flooding. All our on and off ramps were under water from Wed night to Fri/Sat. I decided that I didn't want to drive all over both sides of the city to get weighed in so I waited until the kids went back to school and went this morning(kids had Friday and Monday off for teachers stuff and Thursday due to flooding).

I lost 1 pound this week and didn't get much walking in. I got lots of fresh air and some exercise if you count raking the yard as exercise. I hope to get back to the track tomorrow not holding my breath though lol.

Gotta start on the spring cleaning tomorrow as well I'll start with the kitchen since we spend most of our time there. I will start at the door and work my way around to the right that way I'll start out with the easier half of the work load.

Thats all for now.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Forgot to post last week. I lost 3.2 lbs I think anyway I have lost 12.2 ( its so hard to keep track of the .numbers lol).

Dh and I got out to walk a few times last week. This week not doing so well with the walking I did not make it to the walking track Mon or Tues and couldn't push myself to go around the block so I got the track this morning and did 14 laps then came home and did some hand weight exercises that I got from a prevention magazine If I do them every other day or so It will help tone up the arms.

I go to weigh in tomorrow and think I have gained but if I can not eat too much today I might just have a stay the same week. I will go to the track and burn off some calories before weighing in to hopefully help some as well.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The downfalls of good home cooking

I love pizza and more than anything love homemade pizza well we had pizza twice this week and the first time we had it I did well, I had some veggies and dip before supper so I wouldn't eat as much then that night had two pieces as a snack didn't have the points for the second snack one then second time i didn' have a salad or veggies before hand and ate three slices I didn't have the points for it at all. Needless to say the scales screamed at me today when I went for my way in as I gained 2.4 lbs. I will not let it get to me I'll just make sure I guage better for things like that example we are having spagetti tomorrow and I'll make sure I only have one p iece of garlic bread with the meal and if I plan on having leftovers i'll make sure I save out points.

I am also going to try to add to my exercising I've been doing the walking now and am doing well but I'd like to get started on the toning as well so I'm digging out the dvd for toning and strength that mom gave me from the special k package a while back. The only problem is is that our dvd player is in the shop since the boy broke the door on it. I will have to clear a big enough space in middle daughters room and use her player. Hope fully I can get these exercises in during the day so I don't have to kick her out of her room of course she'd probably want to do it with me and then we'd be fighting for room as her room is not that big lol. Oh well as long as I can get it done I guess it shouldn't matter when or where I do it.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Bursitis and such.

I finally got in to see my doctor this week about the fall I took mid Feb. Well because it took so long to get checked out it has turned into bursitis. The doctor has given me a referral to physiotherapy and I called on Wed my therapist wasn't in but they were to give her the message I forgot to call today to see what was going on so I'll have to call on Monday. I've had such a hard time sleeping that I have started having oatmeal made with warm milk for bedtime as I have heard that both of those help with sleep I have also been wearing my sleep mask which makes it dark in the room so far those have both helped.

I lost half a pound this week. I thought that I would have gained because I don't watch what I eat that closely and I've been eating the easter candy and having coffee too many times and each one is two points. I'm trying to not have as many this week but I have to be careful as I dont want to have a cafeine withdrawal headache.

I must say though that my exercising has been going well I walked for 40 minutes today I usually count laps but got talking and forgot how many I had but it took about 3 minutes for each lap so that is a good amount. I hope to get out tomorrow if its not too bad out. I'll have to take the kids with me so I'm not really planning it but if I can I will I might just do a workout at home and the kids can exercise as well its my stand by pilates one at least its something.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter round up.

Well I lost .4 lbs this week. Not too bad what with the extra sweets jumping in my mouth all weekend. I also didn't get any walking in since school was canceled on thursday and no school fri and mon for the holiday when I went in yesterday I did 10 laps forgetting that I should start out slow again and boy am I sore today. I hope I learn one day to smarten up lol.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Ten for Ten.

This weeks marks ten weeks since I went back to ww and I have lost 10 lbs. Not too bad if you ask me lol. I have been doing good walking. I am hoping to start doing exercise videos as well. I'll try with the kids this weekend and make it a bit of fun.

Easter weekend and I've got plans for my points. I'll take my portion of the treats and portion them out deciding how many points I want to use then date them and hide them so I can only eat them on the designated week. I will be having cake and ice cream on Sunday as its ds's birthday that is why I am hiding the easter stuff for later lol.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Went shopping woohoo

We got our income tax back so I got some money for clothes. I went out today and bought 6 or7 new shirts ( fibro fog can't remember how many) anyway I was able to go to walmart and buy them the sizes were either large or extra large normally if I am able to find clothes there they are 1x so I am majorly thrilled and can't wait till I am at goal to see what size I'll need. They had fabulous sales ranging from$2.00-8.00 and some of the 7to8 were new stock so I am wondering if those were regular price if they are I'll be so glad because I loved them all and had a hard time chosing.

I also bought a new pair of sneakers as my old ones started hurting my ankles today its strange because I was fine monday and yesterday. Oh well I'll be great for tomorrow.

While I was heading for the cash I saw some purses (I have been looking since Nov for one) I found one that I loved but needed to get a smaller wallet so found one of them price for each was 9.99 I pushed the cart a little farther and saw an awesome purse with wallet for 14.99 so I got that one and the wallet is small enough that I'll be able to just put it in my pocket when I'm out running about with the kids( I hate having a purse when I'm with the kids I always think I'm gonna set it down to tend to them and forget it).

Oh I forgot to post that I lost one more pound this week its nice seeing the pounds dropping now I've got to get to the toning up thats something I didn't bother with last time and I'm feeling that I really do need to this time since theres been three kids since and you know how that goes lol.

I am going to try to get my weight loss ticker posted over hear so it will update automatically so I won't have to post it every week.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

New week. New stuff

I did well with the core plan. I lost 2.4 lbs this week. Brings my total up to 8.8 I hope to get some exercise in this week and make it to 10 lbs for next week. I have switched my day to get weighed in on Thursdays and I'll stay for the meeting as well. They say it easier to take and keep the weight off when you go to meetings.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Beware of the Ice

That is my new motto. I went to get groceries yesterday and had a heck of a time getting the cart to the car because of all the ice in the parking lot. We had a nice warm day on Tues so there was some melting and where ever there were puddles froze overnight and made crusty patches which are murder to push a cart through. I found it a little easier to pull the cart rather than push and was almost to my car when I slipped I tried with my left foot and hand to stop myself but landed pretty well on my tailbone. and slid under the cart as far as one could go I am pretty sore and my right shin has a sore because that is what stopped me from sliding under the damn cart. I was sore all over last night but a nice warm bed and good night sleep and I'm not too bad off today. A bit of a headache and some pain when areas get touched( hips for some reason and neck right knee and left shin.) I do not see any bruises and am surprised as I landed hard and it hurt real bad. I don't know how long it takes for bruises to show but I presumed before now oh well.

I got weighed in yesterday before getting groceries and lost.4 lbs. This week I am trying the core program and it seems to be going well so far. I am hoping to get some exercise going but will not be walking on the skating rinks that the town call sidewalks.

I tried a recipe that I saw on The Biggest Loser" It was sauteed veggies and chicken with marinara sauce I served it on spagetti squash and it was a big hit even the boy ate more than one bite ( he had two of the summer squash, two of the chicken pieces and three or four bites of the spaggetti squash.) This is one recipe that I will make again but not too often as I dont' want them to get tired of it lol. Anyhow I was pleased that they all liked it anyway.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sunday roundup

Slow going on the weight loss another low week this week. .08 lbs it puts me at 6 lbs total so its not so bad. They say that if you lose the weight slow it will stay off better so I'm sure to keep it off it I ever get it all off lol. I had to lose almost 30 total so at this rate i'll be down to goal at christmas lol. I am hoping that I can get into exercising at least two or three times a week I don't like to exercise so its a struggle. I do have a hip hop dvd and if its appropriate for the kids then i'll do it with the girls as they love hiphop. I hope to check it out tomorrow after coffee with the girls.

Dh and I went out last night for our valentines/anniversary dinner at an italian resteraunt it was really good we shared seafood appetizer and salad and I had seafood fetuchini and he had chicken rotini with prochutto everything was very good. Then we got desert we had wanted a chocolat trio but they were out so dh got biscotti and I got tiramisu neither one was that great but might have been had we not had our hearts set on the chocolate ones. We will definetly go there again.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Happy Birthday

To Dh. He asked for chinese food so I bought eggrolls and made chicken fried rice, chicken balls, egg foo yong, wonton soup( first time making this) and for a surprise fortune cookies(first time with these also). Supper was great but I'll be finding new recipes for the two new ones as they didn't turn out as I had hoped they were good but I feel could be tastier so I'll look.

I haven't sat down and figured the points for this meal yet I did well with amounts that i took and didn't use any sauce for the chicken balls and did not have egg rolls( I know they are about 4 or5 points and I usually have two so I stayed away from them all together).

I did well with water again today but didn't get exercise in I find it hard with the volunteer stuff this week so hopefully I'll get into the swing of it next week.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

weighin results

woo hoo I lost .6 lbs again. Well at least I didn't gain.

Wednesday post

I haven't been doing well with eating the last couple of days dh has been away and for some reason I've been in amunching mood so needless to say I went over points yesterday and Monday yesterday was just 4 points but Monday was 7 or8 I am disappointed in myself and have been trying to drink more water and walk more to help even it out.

Normally I get weighed in on Wed morning but DS had appointments and wasn't in school at all( they have half days on Wed here) so I couldn't get weighed in I will go tonight after he gets tucked into bed. I am not sure how that will affect the scales but I know at home there is a difference of anywhere from 2-4 lbs. So it should be interesting. Hopefully I'll post the results tonight if not then first thing in the morning( as soon as I remember lol welcome to my world).

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Movie night

We went to the movie last night and I was able to set aside enough points for popcorn with butter and of course we get there and the machines are out of butter so I had extra points left I'll use them one day this week for a treat.

I tried on a pair of pants that I bought a while ago with the low rise and they fit me well enough to wear. I still need to tone up the tummy muscles but for now a loose shirt covers it nicely lol. I had planned on trying on my shorts as well (I bought these just before I got pregnant with the youngest) but once I got the pant on I decided I didn't want to jinx it so I'll do that next week lol.

Still doing fair with the water some days better than others. Doing well on lunches getting the points to a reasonable count so I can have a snack in the evening. I am weighing a lot of my food to make sure I get the proper amount and I found out that I'm not using as much cheese for bagels and too much for grilled cheese so I have to be more careful about that in the future.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Friday update.

Did well with eating today. Didn't do as well with the water though only two glasses( I only count the ones I drink from my bottles not the ones I have at supper or during the day when I get them from the filter container when I get the kids some although today I only had one glass at supper so total for today is only three ).

Didn't get out for a walk or exercise today but I did get a nap lol I needed a fillup of sleep for some reason. I hope to get some oranizing of the youngest toys tomorrow I wonder if that will count as exercising...I am thinking of weight lifting lol.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Weigh in time.

I lost .6 lbs this week. That time of the month I knew I wouldn't have a big loss like last week but I did expect more than that. Oh well this week will be better the weather is picking up or should I say clearing up so hopefully I'll be able to get in more exercising.

I didn't do too bad with the food over all this week. I was able to fit in pizza one day even two slices on track which was cool. Had take out one day wasn't impressed with all the points needed for that meal so DQ is out from now on. I did have a nice turkey blt on friday from mcD's with not too many points and it was tasty even without the mayo.

Next week I have a birthday to celebrate (Dh's ) so need to work in cake thankfully he likes angel food cake and its mostly eggwhites. the week after that is our anniversary and I"ve already decided on pasta so its just a matter of portion control at the resteraunt. If I can manage I'll order appetizers to help keep size in check. I am hoping by planning this far in advance that I'll do ok when the time comes.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

So its sunday...

and the last time I posted was thursday but I do have an excuse..I've been sick with a darn cold. I hate it when I get sick because I get so dragged down and there is no one to look after things so Ihave to muddle along hoping I don't give anyone else the cold cause then I'd have to do more work and I so don't feel like doing that. I did however catch the cold from young one he's had a cold all last week but its not as bad as mine just stuffy nose and gunky ears so he got nose drops from the doctor which will clean the nose and hopefully help the ears drain. If it doesn't work then I have a prescript for antibiotics so I dont have to go back in to see him or to the clinic.

Anyhow I'm still doing well on the ww plan eating more fruit and veggies should help the cold not be as long I'm hoping anyway.

I went for a walk today so I earned a point or two it was a fairly fast paced walk for the most part but I didnt check the clock before I left so I don't actually know how long I walked. I went around our big block then around 2/3 of the block 4 or 5 times then the big block again.. It might have been half to 3/4 of an hour. hopefully I can get more walking in as I do enjoy it when I don't have the fibro pain.

not getting alot of water the last couple of days but doing well with the food. I have to push myself more on these colder days because I don't like the cold drink that much. I do know its good for me so I do try.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Thursdays Yahoo,.

I forgot all about posting yesterday lol. I went to ww. and got weighed in and lo and behold I lost 4 pounds. I went to the grocery store and bought lots of veggies and some oranges and grapefruits. I checked the points and small oranges are 0 and small grapefruits are 1 points so I have some healthy foods to tide me over with little or no points bonus.

Doing ok food wise today not so much drink wise have only gotten one glass of water in.

I went out to coffee at starbucks this morning and had coffee with the girls. I went online last night and figured out what I wanted and figured out the p oints I had one hot and one cold drink picked out hot was 2 points and cold was 3 I decided on cold. I also had planned that if I wanted I could have both. then for lunch I had veggie soup that I made from the ww book it was 0 points and I had a cheese stick for protein at 3 points.

I have enough regular points left for a coffee at tims ( dh is going out later and said he'd pick me up one if I wanted so I said yes) I will have a grapefruit for my snack and use one of the weekly extra points we get. I am hoping to get the same weight loss next week.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Fancy footwork

I'm still getting used to doing the points on my foods. Its not as easy as I'd thought it was going to be. I have trouble at supper because I use too many points at lunch and also have none left for snacking.

I am a little nervous about weighing in but am not going to stress about it because its new and is taking some to get used to. If I don't lose I won't let it get me down. I made due with what I had. I get groceries tomorrow and will stock up on the veggies and will make the ww veggie soup which has no calories so you can have it anytime you need to have a tide over. This will help alot with lunch.

Did not exercise today as I had a chiro appointment and didn't want to undo what was done. I am feeling alot better and they say I am not as tight in the neck as I was. She said that I could move on to one session a week and see how that goes.

I will try hard this week to not use the extra points. My menstrual cycle is next week so in order to have a loss I will have to be extra careful and try to get some exercise in as well.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

What a tough day

I had a very hard time staying on points. I know now to save some for Sunday nights lol. I tried veggies but they didn't do anything for the cravings so I gave in and had a cheese stick and some strawberries(this was over like three hours) and it was 4 points total.

I still haven't gotten into exercising but tomorrow is another day and with no appointments I hope to get going on it. ( although I haven't checked the weather to see if school might be canceled. )

Did fairly well with the water around 4 glasses of pure water and some green tea.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

What a long week.

Lets just say it was a wasted week. I had a fibro flare up and it was rough. I had chiro appointments on Wed and Fri and that helped some. It is hard to drive as it gives me lots of pains. I refuse to let it get me down though I did get basic cleaning and meals done. I am hoping that this week will be better As I'd like to get this clutter out of the house.

I joined weight watchers on Wed and by friday had the extra points used up. It will take a while to get used to figuring out the points but its taught me to eat more veggies to fill up. I am hoping to get some veggie stew made up to use as a tide over as there is 0 points for it. I don't expect to loose much this week as I am still getting used to things but next week I hope I am able to get exercising in as well to help burn calories and tone up.(I got a Carmen Electra exercise set for striptease It will at least be more interesting than some of the boring exercises I've done in the past lol).

When I got weighed in at weight watchers I weighed 149.8 and at home just before I left to get weighed I weighed myself on my scales and the number was 144.8 I was shocked needless to say and am not sure who's scale is right. When I used to go to ww they would dock 2 lbs for jeans but they didn't do that the other night I will ask this week when I go it might have been an oversight. I need to loose between 20 -25 lbs. I am hoping to be almost there in the summer ans can try on bikinis( not that I will buy one but will be fun to try them on).

I hope to get on more this week to post but will not stress about it if I don't.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Funny things

I read others blogs and always wondered why they didn't post everyday I had always popped on to see if they had written anything everyday and wondered why they didn't have the minute. There is something about having a blog that makes things different. I have had the blog for a week and the first few days I was able to post in the evening then I was posting next morning for the night before and then I missed a couple of days. I have become those that I wondered about.

I have been doing very good about my water drinking 5 glasses yesterday( my best). I had about three today. I also had a bit of veggies at lunch which I never do. supper was Pizza and it was filling so I had only two slices( I used pita bread and seems to have made a difference as even dh only had two and said he was full).

I have decided to rejoin weight watchers. I am a lifetime member but haven't gone in about 10 years or so I am not sure if I have to rejoin or if I will be still considered a member. I had stopped going last time because of the support meeting itself I had gone to a different day than usual because of the Thanksgiving holiday and they had switched sessions so instead of getting Thanksgiving support I got the session from the week before which I had already heard. I started just getting weighed in after that and not staying for a meeting then I just stopped altogether. This time will be different because they have online support as well so if I can't get to a meeting I will still have support..

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Wednesday update

I did fairly well with the water yesterday 4+ glasses. I didn't get any exercise done. I did two loads of laundry.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Tuesdays update....

I got my pilates tape done first thing in the morning. I forgot to put a mat under me I figured the carpet would be fine but it was too hard so now my tailbone hurts so today I'll just take a walk for my exercise. I had about three glasses of water I forgot to keep track. I did not have a snack in the evening but just sipped on water and had a cup of green tea(I forgot that tea can count for some of your water intake but for my counts I mark clear water that I drink). I also made sure I drank lots of water with my meal so I wouldn't be tempted to have seconds.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Madness Monday

Well I didn't get any house work done today I did get the garbage out for tomorrow. I have to clean the fridge for grocery week and get a menu and grocery list done up for Thursday. (I guess I should mention that this is the flying part of my blog..working on cleaning up my house as I work on cleaning up me).

I had 2 more glasses of water last night.

Today I did well with water more than 3 glasses. For supper I had 1 slice of garlic bread with unsalted butter(home made)and 1/2 cup spagetti and 1/2 cup pasta sauce/with meat. I did not get seconds and tonight I did not have a snack and I feel good. I have to take my meds( for headache prevention) and I'll have another glass of water to wash them down). I did not exercise today and I didn't even think about it. I hope tomorrow morning to get a pilates tape done.(I have three of them beginers, ball work and intermediate/advances. I will start out at the beginners and do that all this month once it becomes too easy I'll add minutes on to the workout with the ball tape then next month start with the next tape and add the ball routine after it starts getting easy. That is my plan and I hope to be able to stick with it.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Quiet day today

The kids let me sleep in until 11:00 so nice. I went to the mall and picked up some yarn to make christmas stockings for next year as well as a new pair of pants one size smaller than I had on thank you very much. I need to get another pair but they didn't have anymore of that size.

Missed lunch today so I grabbed a piece of bread and butter at 4 not great but was a tide over till supper. I've only had one glass of water today I guess thats what happens when you sleep in then go shopping I hope to get a bunch more in while I watch desperate housewives and extreme home make over.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Another day another water

Just a quick check in. We went to the movies last night and I had a small popcorn instead of a large like dh wanted me to have also I nixed a burger run before the movie. I wanted a water but got a pop instead it was sprite so there was no caffine i still haven't checked to see how much sodium was in it. I forgot to mention I have high blood pressure and need to cut back on caffine and sodium.

Today I've had 5 glasses of water. I even had water at supper instead of pop when we had fast food, I ordered a salad and ate that instead of filling up on fries I did have a few fries(8 or 10) instead of a whole bunch like I usually do. The only exercise I got was walking around the mall but we did park far from our destinations One being at the other end of the mall. Dh was going to bring the car around( the store was near an exit) I said no I can use the exercise.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Starting off right or starting right off

This is the first post of many in my newly formed blog. I want to start the new year off on the right foot by keeping track of the things I do daily to help in my quest for healthy living.

I would like to do at least one healthy thing every day. Today I drank 4 glasses of water.

I did start my healty quest on Jan 1st but didn't get the blog started until today. On Jan 1 I did some exercising while watching the biggest looser. On Jan 2 I took a 40 minute walk with my husband. On Jan 3 I drank 3 1/2 glasses of water.