Saturday, January 19, 2008

What a long week.

Lets just say it was a wasted week. I had a fibro flare up and it was rough. I had chiro appointments on Wed and Fri and that helped some. It is hard to drive as it gives me lots of pains. I refuse to let it get me down though I did get basic cleaning and meals done. I am hoping that this week will be better As I'd like to get this clutter out of the house.

I joined weight watchers on Wed and by friday had the extra points used up. It will take a while to get used to figuring out the points but its taught me to eat more veggies to fill up. I am hoping to get some veggie stew made up to use as a tide over as there is 0 points for it. I don't expect to loose much this week as I am still getting used to things but next week I hope I am able to get exercising in as well to help burn calories and tone up.(I got a Carmen Electra exercise set for striptease It will at least be more interesting than some of the boring exercises I've done in the past lol).

When I got weighed in at weight watchers I weighed 149.8 and at home just before I left to get weighed I weighed myself on my scales and the number was 144.8 I was shocked needless to say and am not sure who's scale is right. When I used to go to ww they would dock 2 lbs for jeans but they didn't do that the other night I will ask this week when I go it might have been an oversight. I need to loose between 20 -25 lbs. I am hoping to be almost there in the summer ans can try on bikinis( not that I will buy one but will be fun to try them on).

I hope to get on more this week to post but will not stress about it if I don't.

1 comment:

Ande said...

Go Angie! Tell me how the Carmen Electra thing works out! I took my scale to work for the Biggest Loser challenge we are doing, and the two ladies who go to Weight Watchers said that my scale is five pounds heavier than the WW one. I guess that is good, because I am going to do six week body makeover to lose the rest of the weight, then start WW for the maintenance. I am still at 170, so I have way further to go than you - think of that next time you feel down, LOL!
Love you lots