Thursday, April 10, 2008

The downfalls of good home cooking

I love pizza and more than anything love homemade pizza well we had pizza twice this week and the first time we had it I did well, I had some veggies and dip before supper so I wouldn't eat as much then that night had two pieces as a snack didn't have the points for the second snack one then second time i didn' have a salad or veggies before hand and ate three slices I didn't have the points for it at all. Needless to say the scales screamed at me today when I went for my way in as I gained 2.4 lbs. I will not let it get to me I'll just make sure I guage better for things like that example we are having spagetti tomorrow and I'll make sure I only have one p iece of garlic bread with the meal and if I plan on having leftovers i'll make sure I save out points.

I am also going to try to add to my exercising I've been doing the walking now and am doing well but I'd like to get started on the toning as well so I'm digging out the dvd for toning and strength that mom gave me from the special k package a while back. The only problem is is that our dvd player is in the shop since the boy broke the door on it. I will have to clear a big enough space in middle daughters room and use her player. Hope fully I can get these exercises in during the day so I don't have to kick her out of her room of course she'd probably want to do it with me and then we'd be fighting for room as her room is not that big lol. Oh well as long as I can get it done I guess it shouldn't matter when or where I do it.

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